We are selling and buying houses, we make great music, and we also help individuals, realize their potential. We are entrepreneurs. making a way for ourselves and our families. The world should be our oyster, and we will make sure that it is one way or another. To our fans, we appreciate everything, even if all you have done is just listen, Thank You!! Our dream is in the works… We Will make it happen…s here… (optional)


We are selling and buying houses, we make great music, and we also help individuals, realize their potential. We are entrepreneurs. making a way for ourselves and our families.  The world should be our oyster, and we will make sure that it is one way or another. To our fans, we appreciate everything, even if all you have done is just listen, Thank You!! Our dream is in the works… We Will make it happen…



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Leroy Bo Baggins, DFM, & Laylow Brown: 3Brothers Ent.



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3B Ent. We on a rise…

We are selling and buying houses, we make great music, and we also help individuals, realize their potential. We are entrepreneurs. making a way for ourselves and our families.  The world should be our oyster, and we will make sure that it is one way or another. To our fans, we appreciate everything, even if all you have done is just listen, Thank You!! Our dream is in the works… We Will make it happen…

